of Yaldabaoth

What others fear makes us stronger. Beyond the forbidden, the truth awaits.

Persecuted to near extermination and victims of a narrative that has perverted their legacy, the Scions of Yaldabaoth are all that remains of the rightful rulers of the former elven empire of Gae Assail.

These elves have assumed the nickname, “the Dark Minded,” which their enemies the Radiant elves use derogatorily. But the Scions are, above all else, survivors. They have been on the run for more than a thousand years, hiding, covering their tracks, and waiting for the opportunity to reveal themselves to the world again then reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

Scions of Yaldabaoth

Los Vástagos de Yaldabaoth es un bloque que avanza inexorablemente hacia su enemigo, al cual quebrará utilizando magia o presionándolo directamente para hacerlo huir.

Sus Personajes son un arma de doble filo. Por una parte, mantienen viva y potencian a su ejército, pero por otra son su punto más débil ya que, sin ellos, toda la estructura se desmorona.

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Key points

Husks, Intact and Marked are basic infantry units, from less to more aggressive respectively. The former form a wall to slow down the enemy, also preventing them from reaching the Characters.
Mórnmab and Kipleacht are big problems that the enemy will have to deal with.
Characters: They increase the offensive capabilities of their units, coordinating to dismantle the enemy formation.
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Dead Flesh

Dead Flesh

The Dead Flesh is the most recently created discipline, and focuses on the use of pure magic, concentrated in the form of Tinge, to reanimate or control corpses.

After all, a lifeless body is nothing more than a receptacle that has already proven itself more than capable of serving its master’s purposes.

The only thing it now lacks is a way to continue fulfilling its duty, and magic allows the Scions to solve this problem.

Living Flesh

Living Flesh

The Living Flesh is the most popular of the three disciplines, as it most obviously manifests the nature of the Architect of Flesh of Yaldabaoth.

Its practitioners are directly inspired by the works of the Father-Mother and dedicate all their efforts to transforming and sculpting living matter, especially that of animals, among which are included the intelligent beings that populate Lindwurm: elves, dwarves, humans, varank, and orcs...

The Fog

The Fog

All Families live near a patch of Fog, as it is an ideal hiding place for the Progenitors and makes its members feel that the Will of Yaldabaoth accompanies them.

However, those Progenitors who have dedicated their existence to the discipline of the Fog Mastery have an even greater need than their companions to remain within the Architect’s Breath.

Nuada and the Red Caps

Nuada and the Red Caps

Some work with metals and wood, believing themselves, in their ignorance, to be craftsmen and builders of great skill. Others sculpt flesh and twist life, believing themselves, in their ignorance, to be gods worthy of the worship of their creations.

But none of them are capable of working with the most challenging conditions and materials – under a heat as intense as that which rages at the heart of a star, a pressure so enormous that it is capable of forming diamonds, and emotions so strong that no mortal soul can contain them.

Heat, pressure, and emotions, taken to the extreme, can be violent and damaging, capable of great destruction when uncontrolled, but they are also the only way to shape the greatest creations.


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