of Embersig

Unity in diversity. Progress is unstoppable, our victory inevitable.

The most illustrious Hegemony of Embersig is a young, dynamic, diverse and expansionist empire. Armed with the iron fist of its Black Legion, the world’s most powerful and well-trained army, wrapped in the silk glove provided by its skilled diplomats and spies, the Hegemony has grown into a power without equal.

The word “Embersig” describes, in the Maghar language, the concept of “all people” which includes, not only humans, but also elves and dwarves. Thus, the Hegemony is a melting pot that synthesizes the best of each culture.

Hegemony of Embersig

The Hegemony of Embersig is an army of occupation. It has a robust infantry, very defensive, with great capacity of conquest.

The main strategy of the Hegemony consists of advancing to the objectives, occupying the area and defending them at all costs.

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Key points

The defensive infantry forms the backbone of their army.
The Aestari are powerful spellcasters that support their army by manipulating the magical forces or using their incredible abilities in combat.
The Characters bring more command compared to other nations, manage stress and share their WP so that the whole block withstands the enemy's attacks in the best conditions.
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The Ghent dwarves

The Ghent dwarves

Mounthaven society, like the individuals that comprise it, is strict and immobile. The family a dwarf is born into determines their profession, which in turn determines their position on the social ladder, their wealth, and even where they can travel.

When the Bakhliani joined the Hegemony, the Ghents joined the Hegemony as well. The dwarves quickly integrated into the thriving society of Embersig, whose vision, antithetical to everything Mounthaven stood for, reaffirmed their beliefs. It was an inevitable union.

Today, Ghent dwarves enjoy numerous privileges. They have received special permits that give them the exclusive rights to mine the Hegemony’s only orichalcum mine, operate various trade routes, and produce certain goods only they can produce.

Aestari elves

Aestari elves

As the elven civil war came to an end, little remained of Gae Assail’s proud empire.

Aware that the cycle of magic was in decline and that they were too few to exert dominion over the lesser races, these elves named themselves the Aestari, scattered across the former domain of Gae Assail, now prey to banditry and plunder, and founded the Double Priories.

Today, the Aestari have assumed certain roles crucial to the Hegemony of Embersig and are an indispensable part of its society. In recognition of their expertise as teachers and sages, all official educational institutions must have at least one elf on their staff, who oversees the adequacy of the curriculum



Humans are by far the most numerous species in the Hegemony of Embersig but should in no way be viewed as one uniform entity, as each of the human cultures has its own region, customs, religion, and interests.

An important consequence of the differences between the different regions and cultures of the Hegemony is that humans as a whole do not represent a front as politically unified as the Aestari or Ghents.


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Winds from the North

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Beyond Winds from the North

6 Miniatures from two armies: Embersig Hegemony and Northern Tribes


Legionnaires with above-average value serve as Bulwarks. Their job is to hold firm, looking directly ahead and decisively at whatever is coming at them.

Black Legion Officers

Nadezhda (Nadia) is an excellent swordswoman who brings combat skills and command.

Marhael the Refused

Marhael is a mage-warrior who attacks his enemies with his Spectral Sword, which inflicts magic damage, which cannot be easily defended.


Thanks to their commanders they are able to take objectives making the enemy have to retreat.
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