Northern Tribes

Let the blood flow. No enemy can stop us.

Made up of the orcs and varank that have populated the inhospitable Boreal Lands since ancient times, the Northern Tribes have forged an alliance that terrorizes humans, dwarves, and elves the whole world over.

They are the Tribes of the North and they have descended from the cold northern lands to sow panic in the world, lop off heads and drown the earth in the bloody entrails of their enemies; in order to reconquer what belongs to them and continue living in a manner that is faithful to their own nature. They are the orcs and varank, and woe betide anyone foolhardy enough to stand in their way!

Northern Tribes

The Northern Tribes are a raiding army. They do not have high conquest values, so they need their shock units to sweep the enemy to occupy the objectives afterwards.

To do so, they have higher attack rolls, more resistant units (higher Wound attribute) and even longer charge distance (which gives them initiative to attack).

Choose wisely

Key points

Their units take advantage of their aggressiveness. They need to strike first by charging and sweeping the enemy.
Their Supports heal and remove statuses to avoid enemy control over them.
Their Officers increase the offensive capabilities of their units to make them more effective in inflicting damage in combat.
Product screenshot
The Orcs

The Orcs

As warriors, they value physical proximity above all else when it comes to taking a life, so the use of weapons that characterize them is a true reflection of their training and experience. The more seasoned an orc is, the lower the range of the weapon they wield.

It is this way because it is considered an honor to kill the enemy face-to-face, close enough to perceive the last breath of those whose lives they take.

That’s why skilled orc warriors always end up with their skin and gear awash in gore, even though most of the time not a single drop of it is theirs.

The Varanks

The Varanks

The seniority and confidence that characterize these troops allow them to attack armed and hostile targets without difficulty. However, except in large military campaigns, they usually act in small groups of light infantry, which easily penetrate and cleave their way through enemy territory.

In addition to these strike forces, the varank troops also have sinister spies such as the Weasels, and scouts such as the Tundra Marauders, tasked with reporting the situation on the ground, seeking out the best locations for assaults and finding supply routes, as well as looking for access and escape routes when carrying out an attack.


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Winds from the North

Open the box, discover, read, experiment and immerse yourself in the fantasy universe of Warcrow with Winds of the North.

Beyond Winds from the North

6 Miniatures from two armies: Embersig Hegemony and Northern Tribes

Tundra Marauders

Tundra Marauders are expert rangers, trackers, and scouts.

Orc Officers

Lotta can add damage to your allies' attack and defense, and give them Raging, which adds extra impact when charging your enemies.


The Master of Darkness is an Ambusher, a unit that can appear on the battlefield once the game has started.
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