Any questions? Let's see if we can help you


  • Can the disarmed and vulnerable state effects be applied during the activation in which they are given to a unit?

    From the rulebook: “You must apply this effect after rolling the dice (with all possible repetitions), but just before starting the Switches step.”



  • A unit with the slowed state applies its effects during the “No one gets left behind” step?

    Yes, if it decides to move since the unit is performing a movement. In this case, the unit uses its first MOV value and then removes the state.

  • If a demoralized unit with the slowed state flees, does it apply the effects of the state?

    No, since fleeing is not a movement action.

  • What happens if a unit with the slowed state performs a charge?

    From the rulebook: Your unit cannot use its second movement value (MOV) when performing the move and assault actions. Additionally, you must subtract 4 strides from your charge movement (up to a minimum value of 0).



  • What happens when a unit has a skill that allows it to repeat its failed WP tests and then suffers the frightener state?

    First, activate the state. Then, you apply the effects of the skill.