Any questions? Let's see if we can help you



  • Can an Elite Spellcaster turn the 4 from the tinge roll to 3 to avoid receiving tinge?


    No, since Elite only applies to values or rolls indicated on your profile.



  • Does a unit with the keyword Cover benefit from it, or only the adjacent units?

    From the rulebook: Cover (D). Units adjacent to this unit (allied or not) can benefit from cover against a ranged attack.



  • If a Scout unit deploys at the start of the game, can it move or attack?

    As long as this deployment is part of a game round that has started, yes, it can. The sequence should be the deployment phase, the start of the round, and then your first turn. 

  • Can I perform a non-move action when I activate and deploy with my Scout unit?


    Yes. When you deploy as Scout once the game has started, you may perform a single simple action (activating a skill, casting a spell, etc.).

  • If during deployment you already have a unit on the battlefield and you decide to deploy a Character with the keyword Scout to lead the unit, do you get to take advantage of the Scout rule to re-deploy the Hunters at the end of the deployment phase?

    In case the Character has the keyword Scout or Ambusher and the unit they are joining gains the same keyword due to a skill the Character provides, leave both outside the battlefield and place the Character profile card underneath the designated unit. When the unit is deployed, the Character must do so as well, already joined. If the unit is already on the board, you may remove them from the battlefield so that they can be deployed again as a Scout unit with the Character.