Yes, you must resolve the face to face roll even though both units disengage during any of the steps.
Any questions? Let's see if we can help you
If during a face to face roll in combat one of the units disengages (for example, due to a switch), do we continue resolving the roll?
Yes, you must resolve the face to face roll even though both units disengage during any of the steps.
What happens if I can repeat a die or a roll and my opponent has a skill that forces me to repeat as well? Do I repeat first?
Yes. You resolve all your repetitions first and then resolve the effects indicated by the skills of your opponent.
Skills like Tundra Marauder’s Snow Leopard Tattoo allow you to Displace (X) and engage with enemy units. If the leader of my unit cannot reach the enemy, can I engage with any other troop of the unit?
The only troop you can use to engage in combat is the leader of your unit. However, your leader can engage with any troop of your enemy unit.
Do you lose combat if you deal less damage but wipe out the enemy unit?
Yes. You'd lose the combat and therefore suffer 1 stress. However, you can benefit from the extra movement for destroying a unit.
What happens if a unit has a modifier and so does the Character who joined it? Do I stress for each of the modifiers?
Yes, if you want to activate different modifiers, you must stress for each one of them separately.
Who decides the direction for the push back?
The winning unit decides.
If units are no longer in base-to-base contact when casualties are removed, can the losing unit still be rejected?
If after finishing a combat only the leaders remain and they are distanced, do we have to perform the positioning maneuvres?
Yes, even if the leaders are no longer engaged.
During positioning maneuvres, is there a maximum distance the models can displace to be engaged again with the enemy?